About Us

Hello there!

We are I Heart Birdie Marketing. We help advertise your business page on Facebook. We get more likes and sales to your business page.

Ladder Inclusions
A ladder is a post that is on the Facebook page. Then participants tag their business page and likes the other pages that are posted. We run multiple ladders a day. With ladder inclusions, we include your business page in every single ladder that we do. You don't have to sit and babysit your newsfeed, waiting for the next ladder.

Shout Outs
We do shout outs a day, where we post your link with some other businesses. They will visit your page, like your page and let you know that IHB sent you over. Then, you return the favor, by visiting their website and liking them. We also do shout outs with a photo, where we share a photo from your business page so that everyone can see your items, or what you do on your business page.

Here at the blog, we try to get everything at a centralized location. You can find out different deals, giveaways and auctions that are going on at the Facebook page, but here on the blog, everything will be laid out nicely and you should be able to find things a bit quicker. Everything is tagged, so you just click on the corresponding link to the left (in the sidebar) and you should be able to find what you need.

If you have any other questions, let us know!